Norman Minetta's career started in 1971 and on July 21, 2000 was confirmed as being the first Asian American to hold a Cabinet Post - a historical highlight and hopefully the start of Asian Americans to attain "first class citizenship."
In 1790, the "Naturalization Act" stated that only "free white persons" can become U.S. citizens.
In 1989, Patrick Purdy killed five Southeast Asian children before shooting himself.
Starting in 1907 to 1933, Filipino "nationals," neither citizens nor aliens, numbered 118, 436 - seven out of ten percent of Hawaii plantation workers. Later, they joined other exploited Asian workders in striking in 1920 & 1924.
In 1996, Gary Locke became the first Asian American governor on the mainland.
Vietnamese are allowed to immigrate to the United States legally in 1980.
In 1997, Bill Lann Lee, whose parents were Chinese immigrants, was appointed to the position of Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, the highest civil rights position in the federal government.
In 1894, U.S. circuit court in Massachusetts declares in "that Japanese are ineligible for naturalization" because he is neither white nor black.
1872, California's Civil Procedure Code finally drops the law barring Chinese court testimony.
In 1891, Pyon Su was the first Korean to graduate from a U.S. college (Uni. of Maryland).
In 1869, the first trancontinental railroad was completed in 6 months with hired Chinese immigrants building 1,800 miles of tracks from the West and declared as the "greatest engineering feat of the 19th Century." It has been reported that a few thousand Chinese immigrants gave their lives during the construction.
Refugee camp used for Southeast Asians receiving center opened in 1975.
David Henry Hwang wins a Tony for M.Butterfly in 1989. In 2001, he is "updating" Flower Drum Song to be performed at L.A.'s Music Center.
In 1971, the star of Ms. Saigon (Lea Salonga) was born.
Philip Ahn was born in 1911 and was the first Asian American actor to be inscribed in the Hollywood "Walk of Fame."
In 1983, this Asian Indian American was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their finding in the physical processes of the structure and evolution of stars.
In 1858, California passed a law to bar entry of Chinese and "Mongolians."
Angel Island opened on June 22, 1910. Stated purpose was to prevent escape by the immigrants, to isolate those with possible contagious diseases, barbed wire fence to prvent escapes and to keep the immigrants from communicating with the Chinese outside the station prior to admittance to the United States.